
Project Database

This is a database of all projects undertaken as part of the Health Education England (Wessex) Patient Safety First programme since 2009; you can search by specialty, theme or keyword, and by workplace if you are logged in. Use the database to spark your imagination or to see what's been done that you could spread or continue. The projects at the end, marked 'incomplete', are in progress at the moment and will be presented at the next trainee patient safety conference in July. If you're logged in, you can contribute ideas or thoughts, or ask questions by adding a comment. The aim is to share and spread good ideas and to ensure sustainability so that all this work results in maximum impact on improving safety for the patients in our care.

Ref Title Specialty Theme
CompleteComments:0 AIEOPT
School of General Practice Clinical
CompleteComments:0 AIEOPT
School of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Clinical
IncompleteComments:0 AIEOPT
School of Medicine Clinical
CompleteComments:1 AIEOPT
School of General Practice Clinical
2018-118 School of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Clinical
2018-119 School of Surgery Clinical
CompleteComments:0 AIEOPT
School of Psychiatry Clinical
CompleteComments:0 AIEOPT
School of General Practice Communication
2018-122 School of General Practice Clinical
2018-123 School of Medicine Clinical
  1. <
  2. 1
  3. 112
  4. 113
  5. 114
  6. 115
  7. 116
  8. 155
  9. >